Fotocredit: Pexels/Pixabay
Imagine and Create your future WITh SCENARIOS
Identify your key drivers to success
Discover blind spots and remove blocks
Think flexible in VARIOUS future scenarios
Set clear intentionS
Take inspired action steps
Find joy and passion in every step you take
Live your own dream
workshops and personal consulting
One on one Consulting
In personal sessions we develop your personal future scenarios for success. To do so, we frame your specific challenge, identify key-drivers to success, discover and resolve blocks, imagine different future scenarios and develop ways to create your desired future step by step now.
This is specifically created to help people to get out of the hamster wheel and find joy and passion in every inspired action step they take in their job and business.
This is a group scenario teaching for 2 to 12 people. Together we develop future scenarios for your business success: We identify internal and external key drivers for your business, combine them to 3 or 4 different scenarios and define intentions and inspired actions steps for each scenario.
Especially recommended for early stage aspiring business founders who want to ground their ideas or be inspired by the creativity of the group.
Think in different future scenarios in your company strategy retreat. Together we identify inner and external key drivers for your team's success, discover blocks and challenges, develop different scenarios, set clear intentions and think of inspired action steps to take.
As part of the scenario exercise we rehearse the future to resolve the disbelieve in desired scenarios by actively creating and living them.
Fotocredit: Pexels/Pixabay
Scenario process - A process for success invented by the u.s. air force and Royal dutch shell
The scenario process was originally applied by the U.S. Air Force for strategic planning. Then, in the 1960/70, a team at Royal Dutch Shell adopted scenarios for business purposes. With great success: Shell had already been prepared for an oil-shock scenario when others didn’t even dare to think about it. As a result, Shell was able to skyrocket from a rather weak market position to the top 2 of the world’s leading oil companies.